
Saturday, 23 May 2020

Wholesale7' 9th Anniversary Special Sale Guide

Wholesale7 is 9 years young this year, and we couldt be more grateful to YOU for making it happen. So lets celebrate this extra special occasion at our 9th Anniversary Sale, with 10 million more reasons to shop!

Before you jump in, check out this comprehensive guide. Theres gonna be lots of fun & games involved, and you dont want to miss a thing! You can start engaging in money-saving activities from May 20 PT onwards and start shopping the sale between May 25-31 PT.

Heres everything you need to know to get the most out of Wholesale7's 9th anniversaries epic birthday bash!

(Stay tuned as we update this article with more sale hacks in the upcoming days.)

The content following is from: Wholesale7 9th Anniversary

This year Wholesale 7 commemorate their 9th Anniversary, and to celebrate we’ve got a few things up our sleeves.

We’ve extremely proud to be a 9 year old and have had a roller coaster journey across this years. Documenting this, we organized an anniversaries event to thank and give back to our customers who have been supporting us for the past nine years.
W7's 9th anniversary special sale
Check out the Anniversary Events now
Event Date: Valid from 25th-31th May(I heard there are mysterious welfare on the 25th May)

We will be holding an anniversary event for some of our clients and friends of Wholesale7 this month. If you’ve received your invitation or learn about this event, please participate our anniversary event.

Anniversary Celebrate & Give Back

We have a limited amount of Mystery GiftsCash back and some Discount Coupons up for grabs so if you’d like to get your hands on some, come and join us 9th anniversary event! Once you’re late, they’re gone, we won’t be offer anymore!

Post in: http://kakafashion2016.blogspot.com/

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